Today is not usually a blog writing day for me but this topic keeps coming up for me and those around me and so I thought I would share it with you in case it resonates with you too. First of all, I have a question… Have you noticed any patterns in your life lately? By that I mean, a situation that seems to repeat itself, almost as if the universe is trying to teach you something? It might be a recurring emotional trigger, similar challenges in relationships or friendships, repeated obstacles in your personal or professional life or similar situations or events that happen over and over again. What are your patterns trying to teach you? Read more...
Continue readingI just listened to an amazing podcast. It was so good that I had to keep pausing and re-listening to it so that I could really listen and digest what they were saying - I couldn't take notes fast enough! I now have 9 pages of A4 filled with a goldmine of information and ideas, and I thought it might be nice to share my key takeaways with you. So, let's get into it...
Continue readingIn this blog, I share some profound insights into the Laws of the Universe and how they can transform your life. I've been studying these laws for some time now and I find them fascinating. Understanding them can empower you to navigate life more effectively and enhance your personal growth. Let's take a look...
Continue readingStress is our body’s natural response to challenges and it can serve us in certain situations. Now and again stress can prove useful but it should not be our resting state. Our bodies are absolutely incredible but they were not made to experience stress consistently over an extended period of time. If we do experience stress consistently, it can often start to manifest in the body through illness and disease (dis-ease - as in 'not at ease').
Continue readingSound healing/ sound therapy/ sound work - whatever you want to call it! - is a therapeutic practice that uses sound and vibration to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is very similar to Reiki in that it works on all levels and what's lovely is that you can bring Reiki into it too - so any sound baths I run will be supercharged 😉.
Continue readingThis week I have been constantly been reminded of a quote I heard recently from Alex Hormozi: 'If you don't quit, you win.' It's an interesting one for me because it's not obvious and if I didn't stop to think about it for a minute, I would probably disagree with it - you don't always win when you don't quit, right? The thing is, you do!
Continue readingHello my friend! It's Earth Day today, so here are a few ideas for activities that not only benefit our environment but also nourish your mind, body, and spirit...
Continue readingToday, we're diving into the fascinating world of self-perception and how the way we see ourselves has the incredible ability to shape our entire experience. Let's get into it!
Continue readingI mentioned in a previous blog that I offer distance Reiki for Animals and I thought I'd share a bit more about how that came about in this week's email. To be totally honest, I sort of fell into Reiki for animals when a friend asked me to send Reiki to her sweet little family dog...
Continue readingWelcome back! Today we're looking into the benefits of Reiki in more detail and I thought I'd share a few real life examples with you of how Reiki has benefitted my family, friends and clients.
Continue readingHello friends! I get a lot of questions from people when I tell them what I do. So, I thought I'd write a series of blog posts to address each one. Today I'm sharing a bit about how I got into Reiki, what it is, my understanding of how it works. Let's dig in...
Continue readingIt’s random act of kindness day! I’ve been thinking of some easy, no/low-cost RAOKs me and my family can do and thought it might be nice to share them with you today, so we can spread the love as a community!
Continue readingWhat’s interesting about this to me is that nothing about her immediate situation had changed. She had still woken up in the night. She was still tired. She still had to get ready and go to school. The things she had to do this morning were still the same thing she had to do every morning, but that tiny piece of information changed her whole perspective on the day immediately. It gave her energy. It gave her motivation. It changed how she was feeling and how she approached her day. It changed how she moved and how she acted. Perspective is everything!
Continue readingTHE LAW OF ATTRACTION. Have you heard of it? Since the book The Secret came out, everyone’s been going on about it, and for good reason. But did you know that the Law of Attraction is actually a secondary law? The primary law is the Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration states that everything vibrates, nothing rests. At a molecular level, everything is moving - or vibrating - at all times. How does this tie back to the Law of Attraction? Well, what we attract to us depends on the level we’re vibrating at in any given moment. You attract what you are in vibrational harmony with. Continue reading to learn more...
Continue readingOne thing I’ve decided to do this year is dedicate more time to studying. I read a lot and I love it. I like it because it focuses my attention and keeps me away from screens(!). For the past few years, most of my reading has been non-fiction. I love to learn new things and I find reading a really great way to learn and expand my mind. If you’re looking for some reading (or listening) inspiration this year, here are some books I’ve studied that I go back to over and over again...
Continue readingI'm so pleased you've joined us! 💜
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