10 practical tips for mid-year goal setting

10 practical tips for mid-year goal setting

10 practical tips for mid-year goal setting 🎯 In this blog post, we'll be looking at 10 practical tips for mid-year goal setting. One of the best speakers on goal setting I ever heard was Bob Proctor. Bob Proctor was a renowned personal development and success expert who shared valuable insights on goal setting throughout his career. He emphasized the importance of clarity, focus, and belief in achieving your goals. Here's a summary of 10 key principles inspired by Bob Proctor when it comes to goal setting...

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'If you don't quit, you win'

'If you don't quit, you win'

This week I have been constantly been reminded of a quote I heard recently from Alex Hormozi: 'If you don't quit, you win.' It's an interesting one for me because it's not obvious and if I didn't stop to think about it for a minute, I would probably disagree with it - you don't always win when you don't quit, right? The thing is, you do!

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Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of self-perception and how the way we see ourselves has the incredible ability to shape our entire experience. Let's get into it!

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The Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration

THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. Have you heard of it? Since the book The Secret came out, everyone’s been going on about it, and for good reason. But did you know that the Law of Attraction is actually a secondary law? The primary law is the Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration states that everything vibrates, nothing rests. At a molecular level, everything is moving - or vibrating - at all times. How does this tie back to the Law of Attraction? Well, what we attract to us depends on the level we’re vibrating at in any given moment. You attract what you are in vibrational harmony with. Continue reading to learn more...

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