A Celestial Spectacle

A Celestial Spectacle

When I went travelling around Italy in the summer of 2003, I was first introduced to this 'event' and I couldn't believe that I had never heard of it before (it's common knowledge in Italy!). So now I want to share it with you - in case you haven't heard of it either. In Italy, they call it La Notte di San Lorenzo (10th August). We would call it The Perseid Meteor Shower. Whatever you call it, it's amazing.

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Summer Fun for Kids and Teens!

Summer Fun for Kids and Teens!

Summer is here (according to the calendar at least 🤣) and we know how important it is to keep everyone entertained, from little ones to teens - especially during those rainy days! Personally, I love having a list of ideas to pick from - especially for those days when inspiration doesn't strike and everyone is asking you what they can do because they are 'sooooo boooooored'. If you have days like that too, don't worry, I've got you. (Nothing wrong with them being bored by the way, but here are some ideas just in case.) 😉

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Summer Holiday Ready!

Summer Holiday Ready!

As we get closer to the summer holidays, I wanted to share a few suggestions to ensure your journeys are not only seamless but also serene. Whether you're jetting off to exotic lands or embarking on a road trip, let's explore the art of staying calm during your travels.

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Let It Go Day

Let It Go Day

So, what is 'Let It Go Day' and did Amy make it up? No, I didn't make it up, it's a real thing believe it or not! It's a day dedicated to the concept of letting go, of releasing what no longer serves you, freeing yourself from burdens, and embracing a sense of liberation. It encourages individuals to declutter their minds, hearts, and lives from anything that may be holding them back or causing unnecessary stress. Here are five ideas you might want to try today to help you 'let it go'...

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10 practical tips for mid-year goal setting

10 practical tips for mid-year goal setting

10 practical tips for mid-year goal setting 🎯 In this blog post, we'll be looking at 10 practical tips for mid-year goal setting. One of the best speakers on goal setting I ever heard was Bob Proctor. Bob Proctor was a renowned personal development and success expert who shared valuable insights on goal setting throughout his career. He emphasized the importance of clarity, focus, and belief in achieving your goals. Here's a summary of 10 key principles inspired by Bob Proctor when it comes to goal setting...

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'If you don't quit, you win'

'If you don't quit, you win'

This week I have been constantly been reminded of a quote I heard recently from Alex Hormozi: 'If you don't quit, you win.' It's an interesting one for me because it's not obvious and if I didn't stop to think about it for a minute, I would probably disagree with it - you don't always win when you don't quit, right? The thing is, you do!

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Earth Day

Earth Day

Hello my friend! It's Earth Day today, so here are a few ideas for activities that not only benefit our environment but also nourish your mind, body, and spirit...

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Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of self-perception and how the way we see ourselves has the incredible ability to shape our entire experience. Let's get into it!

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Reiki for animals

Reiki for animals

I mentioned in a previous blog that I have started offering distance Reiki for Animals and I thought I'd share a bit more about how that came about in this week's email. To be totally honest, I sort of fell into Reiki for animals when a friend asked me to send Reiki to her sweet little family dog...

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The benefits of Reiki

The benefits of Reiki

Welcome back! Today we're looking into the benefits of Reiki in more detail and I thought I'd share a few real life examples with you of how Reiki has benefitted my family, friends and clients.

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It’s random act of kindness day! I’ve been thinking of some easy, no/low-cost RAOKs me and my family can do and thought it might be nice to share them with you today, so we can spread the love as a community!

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Perspective is everything

Perspective is everything

What’s interesting about this to me is that nothing about her immediate situation had changed. She had still woken up in the night. She was still tired. She still had to get ready and go to school. The things she had to do this morning were still the same thing she had to do every morning, but that tiny piece of information changed her whole perspective on the day immediately. It gave her energy. It gave her motivation. It changed how she was feeling and how she approached her day. It changed how she moved and how she acted. Perspective is everything!

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A Leap of Faith

A Leap of Faith

2024 is a Leap Year and the Leap Year got me thinking about other leaps, like leaps of faith. A leap of faith is when you do something, even though you are not sure it will be successful. You launch yourself into the unknown. It can be super scary because we don’t know for sure how it will turn out, but it can also be super exciting. And it’s a great way to grow. The things I feel are big leaps of faith for me, might be things you do every day.

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What are you consuming?

What are you consuming?

what are you giving your energy and attention to every day? The media we consume plays a profound role in shaping our perspectives, beliefs, and overall well-being. From the news we watch to the content we scroll through on social media, every byte of information leaves an imprint on our minds and souls. What we consume can impact our mental, emotional, and spiritual states, plus we are exchanging our most valuable asset - our time - for it, so we need to make sure it's worthy of that.

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