

Hello my friend, how are you?

Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of self-perception and how the way we see ourselves has the incredible ability to shape our entire experience.

Let's get into it!

👁️ Your Vision, Your Reality:

Ever notice how your day seems to unfold based on your mindset?

It's like having your own magical lens through which you view the world.

Your thoughts about yourself play a crucial role in creating the reality you experience.

💡 The Mind-Reality Connection:

It's not just a philosophical idea; science backs it up!

Research shows that our thoughts and beliefs directly influence our emotions, actions, and, ultimately, the outcomes we attract into our lives.

If that really is the case, why leave it up to chance? Why not be intentional about it?

😍 Mirror, Mirror on the Wall:

Take a moment to reflect on the way you perceive yourself.

Are you your biggest cheerleader, or do you catch yourself in moments of self-doubt? It's totally normal if you do. I think we all do! We're human after all.

The key is awareness. Take note of how you talk to (and about) yourself and when you catch yourself being less than kind, replace it with something better.

🌱 Cultivating a Positive Self-Image:

This is the game-changer: consciously and consistently cultivating a positive self-image.

The good news is that you can change your self image, the hard news it that takes consistency and persistence. We need to work at it every single day. It's actually the main reason I wrote the book 'A year of great habits.'

Being consistent is easy when you feel good and things go your way, but on a hard day, you need all the help you can get to stay on track.

Affirmations and Daily Mantras:

Affirmations aren't just catchy phrases; they're powerful tools to reshape your self-perception.

Start your day with positive affirmations, and watch as they become the soundtrack of a more uplifting reality. To supercharge them, say them into a mirror!

Some of my favourites are:

- 'I love and approve of myself'

- 'All is well'

- 'Life is great and just gets better'

- 'Everything is always working out for me' and one I heard recently, which I love:

- 'My name is (insert your name here) and only good things happen to me'

🚀 Empowerment through Self-Perception:

Remember, you are not only the main character in the film of your life, but also the writer and the director.

It's all up to you, you get to decide.

You write your own story and you create your own reality. What's happening right now is just that film playing out. It's old news, it's an old script, and you can change it.

Rewrite the script (literally, imagine the life you want, take a pen and write it out). Let the best case scenario play out in your head and write it all down in great detail. Read it often, focus only on that and watch what happens.

Sounds simple, right? That's because it is simple. It is SO SIMPLE!

So, why aren't we all doing it?

Because 'simple' is not the same as 'easy'.

Our minds have been trained into certain thought patterns and beliefs since birth. It's not easy to overcome and rewrite that training, that paradigm. It takes time and focus but it is SO worth it.

Over time you will find that you feel more powerful, more in control, more engaged and more invested in how it all turns out and that will fuel you to stay focussed, consistent and persistent.

You can do it. Start right now.

Much love,

Amy 💜🤟

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