Hello, my friend,
How are you?
Today is not usually a blog writing day for me but this topic keeps coming up for me and those around me and so I thought I would share it with you in case it resonates with you too.
First of all, I have a question…
By that I mean, a situation that seems to repeat itself, almost as if the universe is trying to teach you something?
It might be:
Think about it for a moment, and while you do, I’m going to take a little detour…
Were you an Oprah baby like I was?
I used to come home from school and watch Oprah every single day. (Well, Oprah followed by Star Trek: Next Generation 🖖)
I love Oprah.
She was the only person on TV at the time (that I was aware of) who would talk about personal and spiritual development.
She talked about self-awareness and the power of gratitude long before it became fashionable and she shared lessons she had learned over the years in a way that everyone could understand.
She would also interview the most amazing and inspirational teachers, one of whom was the brilliant Maya Angelou.
I will always remember Maya and Oprah discussing life lessons.
In one episode, Oprah shared that was going through something hard, and that she had called Maya in tears (or ‘ugly crying’ as she calls it!) to talk/ complain/ get sympathy about what she was going through.
Before she could get into details, Maya cut her off and told her to say, 'thank you': 'thank you' for the lesson that this awful situation was teaching her and 'thank you' that ‘this too shall pass’.
Since then, I've heard Oprah say that whenever she has a similar experience or recognises that a pattern is forming, she immediately says 'thank you' and focuses her energy on figuring out the lesson, learning from it, and then getting 'the hell out of there'! 😅
Actually, I just found a clip of her talking about this exact conversation with Maya - here it is!
The patterns that show up for us in life often carry important messages for our growth and healing.
They're invitations to:
Sometimes, just becoming aware of and acknowledging these patterns is the first step towards transformation.
My main lesson, especially over the past couple of years – probably long before then but I am much more aware of it these days - has been to really, truly and deeply trust my intuition.
That has been (and continues to be) my pattern and my lesson: that if I trusted my gut, followed my hunches and had faith that that everything is always working out for me, everything would always work out for me.
Side note: ‘Everything is always working out for me’ is one of my favourite affirmations.
If you’re having a tough time right now, try repeating ‘everything is always working out for me’ and add ‘even when it doesn’t seem like it’ at the end – this is my version of Oprah’s ‘this too shall pass’.
Then actively look for ways that everything is working out for you. Focus on them, celebrate them, write them down. Start acting like the universe is conspiring for you. It is!
Try it for yourself - actually, try anything and everything that comes to mind for you - and then stick with what works for you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
I really notice now that when I implicitly trust my gut, things always turn out beautifully. I also really notice that when I don’t follow my intuition, things end up being difficult, unpleasant and painful.
I had a hunch years ago that it was time to move on from the job I was in, but I was comfortable, and it was flexible, and it paid the bills, and I sort of liked it and my co-workers were nice, so, I stayed (and stayed and stayed). I stayed for 16 years.
In reality, I knew it wasn’t my calling to do that work. I was good at what I did, I was dedicated and reliable and I always gave it my all and got great results, but it wasn’t really for me. I knew that.
So why did I stay?
Mainly, I think because I was afraid. Afraid to listen to my intuition because I didn’t know where it would take me. I was afraid of the unknown and I was afraid to relinquish (the illusion of) control.
It took an unexpected redundancy to push me out of my comfort zone. Redundancy was painful. To me it felt like what I imagine a divorce feels like. Don’t get me wrong, it was absolutely the best outcome, it was welcome, and it gave me the push I needed, but it was not pleasant, and it took a long time to properly recover from it.
I’m learning my lesson now (slowly but surely), that following my intuition will always guide me to the best outcome.
It can be with small things - like a hunch that I should message a person I don't know on Instagram who later turns into a wonderful friend and client, or a feeling I should go into a particular shop to buy something and say hello to the manager, who, it turns out, wants to host a sound bath for her staff (this literally just happened yesterday!).
Or it might be bigger things - like a feeling I should learn more about this energy I’m feeling in my hands by signing up to my first Reiki class (having never had Reiki before), or a feeling that I should start a business of my own, or a feeling that I should drive down to the south coast and buy a set of crystal singing bowls from a stranger off the internet!
Everything is always working out for you.
Notice your patterns, get curious and pay close attention.
If something keeps coming up for you, there is a lesson there.
Maybe you keep losing things and stress out only to find them again a day later – what’s the lesson? Maybe you keep going into relationships with the same kind of person – what are they there to teach you? Maybe you are moving from job to job and end up leaving each one under the same circumstances – what is the lesson there for you?
Life will keep presenting you with the same experiences until you learn what they’re trying to teach you.
If you’re constantly losing things and stressing, maybe it's a lesson in presence and trust. If you keep attracting the same kind of relationships, perhaps there’s a deeper healing or self-worth lesson waiting for you. If jobs keep ending the same way, maybe it’s calling you to redefine your purpose, boundaries, or the way you show up.
Patterns are invitations to grow—until you learn, they will repeat.
Start by getting quiet and still, go inwards and ask yourself ‘what is the lesson for me here?’.
Step outside of yourself and become the observer for a moment. Becoming aware is a big step.
The hard part: Reflect with honesty
This part is hard. Be totally honest with yourself about what you observe. What part of you is holding onto this cycle? Is it fear, comfort, or an old story or belief that no longer serves you?
It can be painful, it can be embarrassing, and it can trigger big emotions, but, just as the sat nav can’t guide you unless it knows your starting point, we need to know exactly where we are right now before we can move on from there.
Journal about it, meditate on it, say 'thank you' (and mean it!) remind yourself that this too shall pass and that you will come out the other side stronger, wiser and better for it.
As Oprah says, learn that lesson (and then get the hey-hey outta there!!) 🏃♀️😉
Everything is always working out for you, my friend.
With love and light,
Amy 💜🤟
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