Introducing Reiki-Infused Sound Baths

Introducing Reiki-Infused Sound Baths

Today we're talking about sound work and sound baths. 

As a sound practitioner, my instruments of choice currently are crystal singing bowls. I just LOVE them! So I'm really excited to share that I will now be using them to conduct sound baths πŸ₯³

If sound baths are new to you, I'm guessing you have questions about all of the words you just read, yes?

Let's answer them now...

🎡 What is sound work?

Sound healing/ sound therapy/ sound work - whatever you want to call it! - is a therapeutic practice that uses sound and vibration to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is very similar to Reiki in that it works on all levels and what's lovely is that you can bring Reiki into it too - so any sound baths I run will be Reiki-infused and therefore supercharged πŸ˜‰. (If you have questions about Reiki and what that's all about, head over to this post for more info).

✨ How do you infuse Reiki into a sound bath?!

If you've read my FAQs or the post I mentioned above, you'll know that you can use Reiki on absolutely anything. (And I do - on pretty much everything these days!)

I thought it would be lovely to bring Reiki energy into my sound baths too, so before any sound bath session I cleanse and charge my bowls and all equipment we will use during the session with Reiki. I also Reiki the space we are using and take time to set intentions for each session. So not only is it a sound bath, but a 'Reiki bath' too!

πŸ’Ž What are crystal singing bowls?

Crystal singing bowls are made from pure quartz crystal.

The quartz crystal in the bowls is believed to have healing properties and a unique ability to amplify, store, and transmit energy. Quartz is also said to clear negative energies, and balance the body and mind. It is often used in meditation among other things, so it's wonderful to include it in sound baths. 

When crystal singing bowls are played, they produce not only audible sound but also vibrational energy. These vibrations travel through the air and into the body. Our bodies are composed mostly of water, making them excellent conductors of sound vibrations. The vibrations help to stimulate and harmonize the body’s cells and tissues, and that can promote healing. 

The frequency to which the bowls are tuned can also put participants into a Theta brain wave state. Theta waves are associated with deep relaxation, dreaming, creativity, and intuitive insights. Theta state tends to appear during meditative, drowsy, hypnotic or sleeping states.

πŸ›€ What is a sound bath? Do I need a swimsuit?!🩱

Good news, no swimsuit required! πŸ˜…

A sound bath is a meditative and therapeutic experience where participants lie down comfortably (just like Reiki - shoes off, fully clothed and usually covered in a blanket!) and are "bathed" in sound waves produced by various instruments, such as crystal singing bowls, gongs, and chimes. These sounds create vibrations that can promote relaxation, healing, and a sense of well-being - just like Reiki does!

πŸ’œ What are the benefits of a crystal singing bowl sound bath?

The rich, harmonious tones and vibrations produced by the bowls create an immersive soundscape, which offers a gentle yet powerful way to experience the benefits of sound healing.

Whether you’re seeking stress relief, emotional balance, or a deeper meditative experience, these sound baths can be a transformative practice.

I have truly noticed a positive difference in myself and my family since I started playing crystal singing bowls every day at home. We are all calmer, more relaxed and lighthearted and there is more harmony around the house.

πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸ» Private sound baths

Apart from regularly scheduled sound baths in Purley, I will also be offering private sound baths, which are a lovely and creative way to celebrate all sorts of occasions.

Whether it's a birthday, hen party, anniversary, full moon, a wellbeing day at work, a Wednesday lunchtime or just because you feel like it, a private sound bath can provide a unique and memorable experience.

If you're interested in booking a private sound bath with me or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch - send me an email or give me a call. I'm here to help create a beautiful and memorable experience for you and your guests, friends and colleagues.

Have a wonderful day my friend!

Amy πŸ’œπŸ€Ÿ