Reiki for animals

Reiki for animals

I mentioned in a previous blog post that I have started offering distance Reiki for Animals and I thought I'd share a bit more about how that came about in this week's blog.

To be totally honest, I sort of fell into Reiki for animals when a friend asked me to send Reiki to her sweet little family dog. (How cute is the dog in the photo by the way?!)

At the time, her dog was very ill in intensive care. She hadn't eaten for days and had been vomiting blood. It wasn't looking good, and the vet had advised that if she didn't show signs of improvement over the next few hours, they would have to think about putting her to sleep.

The family were beside themselves and understandably wanted to explore every possible avenue to try to help their beloved pup. That's when my friend messaged me to ask 'can you do Reiki on animals?'. I responded 'yes, of course you can do Reiki on animals - you can do Reiki on anyone and any thing!.'

At her request, I sent distance Reiki every day for four consecutive days. On the sixth day after my friend first messaged me, they sent me a lovely photo and a message to say thank you - their little pup had made a 'fantastic recovery' and they had brought her home earlier that day.

Honestly, I was amazed. I have seen first hand how effective Reiki can be on humans (check out my recent blog for real life examples) but on animals, it seems that the effects are even more powerful somehow. Perhaps because animals are so pure in their energy.

Another friend, who was curious about Reiki for her own dog, told me she had done her own research into the effects of Reiki on animals before contacting me to book a session.

She said she had seen some incredible time-lapse YouTube videos of a Reiki Master going into animal shelters to send Reiki to the animals there. She raved about it so much, I took a look for myself!

At the start of the videos you can see and hear the stress in the dogs in the shelter. It is so noisy and chaotic the Reiki Master wears ear plugs so she can focus. By the end of the Reiki session, the dogs are so calm and quiet you can hear a pin drop. It's incredible! If you'd like to take a look for yourself, here's a link to one of the videos. Her whole page is actually pretty fascinating.

The same friend who shared the videos with me has a lovely dog who is struggling with arthritis (among other things) in his old age. She told me he suffers from constant joint pain and doesn't know what to do with himself most days. It's painful to walk but he also can't settle because of the pain.

She was very keen, having seen the videos, to see if distance Reiki could help him, so we agreed a time when he would usually be napping or resting and I sent him distance Reiki.

Being so curious about it all, after I sent the message to say I was starting the session, she started filming him.

Interestingly, but perhaps not surprisingly, the feedback I shared afterwards corresponded with his movements during the session and with past injuries that she had not mentioned to me beforehand.

Distance Reiki really is so fascinating.

When I followed up with her a few days after the session (as I always do with all of my clients). She told me that since the session he had been more mobile, more energised and more contented than she had seen him in a long time. She now wants to book him in for regular sessions to help manage the pain and bring him ease. It was actually her that asked me to add distance animal Reiki to my list of services!

Distance Reiki is a great solution for pets (and children come to think of it!).

There is no need for them to travel, move, or lie in a certain position, and they don't need to go through the additional stress of familiarising themselves with new people or a new environment.

Reiki is sent at a time agreed with you while your pet relaxes at home in their own space - or wherever they happen to be at the time.

It is wonderful to be able to help in this way. I love it!

If you'd like to check out distance Reiki for your own four-or two!-legged friend, head over to my booking page.

Have a fabulous week, my friend!

Amy 💜🤟