Frequently Asked Questions

What is energy?

Science tells us that energy is the building block of all matter. So everything is made up of energy, including us!

At the microscopic level, we are made up of vibrating sub-atomic particles that emit energy. In fact, everything vibrates, nothing rests, even objects that appear to be still are moving at some level.

To put it (very) simply, when our cells are vibrating at a higher frequency, we feel better, when they’re vibrating at a lower frequency, we feel worse. Reiki works at an energetic level to raise your vibration and thereby enhance your wellbeing.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Stress constricts energy causing stagnation, relaxation opens energy and allows it to flow.

When we are relaxed and free from stress, the body is reminded of its natural ability to heal and this is how Reiki promotes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. Regular, long-term Reiki sessions can restore the general condition of the body.

Some reported benefits of Reiki include:

  • Deep relaxation, helping the body to release stress and tension
  • Better sleep
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Help with acute (injuries) and chronic problems (asthma, eczema, headaches, etc.)
  • Pain relief
  • Removal of energy blockages, bringing the body into balance and harmony
  • Reduction in side effects of medication
  • Helps the body to recover from drug therapy after surgery and chemotherapy
  • Supports the immune system
  • Increases vitality and postpones the ageing process
  • Raises the vibrational frequency of the body
  • Helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing (including worry and depression)
  • Relief of symptoms relating to periods, pregnancy and menopause

As with any treatment, everyone's experience of Reiki is unique and we are not able to guarantee results.

Who can have Reiki?

The short answer is: ANYONE!

People (and animals) of all ages can have Reiki.

There are no known contraindications with Reiki so it is suitable for everyone, including babies, children, pregnant women and those undergoing conventional medical treatments or other complementary treatments.

It’s important to tell your doctor about any complementary therapy you use so that they always have a full picture of the care you are receiving.

What happens during a Reiki session?

The client lies fully clothed on a couch or sits on a chair and relaxes with their eyes closed.

The practitioner gently places their hands in a series of positions on or near the body (I tend to work hands off with my clients). There is no massage or manipulation and the whole person is treated.

In a Reiki session we are inviting loving, healing universal life force energy ('Reiki') to flow through the practitioner (as if they were a tube or a hose) to the client to shift any energy blockages and promote balance and healing.

Can Reiki ever be bad for you?

Reiki can never be bad for you. By definition, ‘Reiki’ means universal life-force energy. It vibrates at a very high rate and it will only ever flow for the greatest good and go where it is needed.

What might I feel during my Reiki session?

Everyone is different...Recipients tend to feel very relaxed and often go into a kind of meditative state, so if you have meditated before, you may experience something similar with Reiki. 

Some recipients report feeling sensations of heat or cold, tingling or twitching. Some feel emotional, some see images or colours. Some fall asleep and some feel nothing at all! 

Be assured that any one of these reactions is normal, Reiki will always go where it is needed.

How will I feel after my Reiki session?

Again, everyone is different!

Recipients usually say that they feel lighter, calmer, more clear-minded and very relaxed after a Reiki session. Some report that the aches and pains they came in with have gone. 

Often clients tell me they sleep well and very deeply the night after they have had Reiki.

Although people typically leave a Reiki session feeling refreshed, sometimes they notice they feel more tired in the evening than usual. This is not seen as an adverse reaction, but rather as the body's natural healing response and something to be heeded. 

Likewise some clients may experience a detox-like response as toxins leave the body following treatment.

I always recommend drinking lots of water and following your body's needs at all times, but especially after a Reiki session! Stay hydrated and rest if you need to.

Do I have to believe in Reiki for it to work?

No, you do not need to believe in Reiki for it to work for you. 

It is not based on belief, faith or suggestion. Reiki is not a religion or affiliated with any religion or religious practice. It is simply a gentle healing technique.

Can babies and children have Reiki?

Yes, they can. Reiki has no contraindications at all, so it’s wonderful for everyone at any age.

It can be really calming and relaxing for children and babies. It can calm anxious teens, ease pain when children have hurt themselves and relax babies.

As with any treatment, everyone's experience of Reiki is unique and we are not able to guarantee results.

Can pets have Reiki?

Yes, they can! I have seen some wonderful results with animals and offer distance Reiki for animals as part of my services.

Distance Reiki is a perfect solution for dogs, cats and other pets. 

There is no need for your pet to travel, move, or lie in a certain position and your pet does not need to go through the additional stress of familiarising themselves with someone - or somewhere - new.

Reiki is sent at a time agreed with you while your pet relaxes at home in their own space. 

As with any treatment, everyone's experience of Reiki is unique and we are not able to guarantee results.

Can I have Reiki if I’m receiving medical treatment?

Yes, you can. Reiki can be used alongside other conventional or complementary treatments. There are no known contraindications with Reiki.

It is always advisable to inform your doctor when receiving any complementary therapies so they have a full picture of the care you are receiving.

Can Reiki help if I’m feeling stressed?

Reiki can be very relaxing if you’re feeling stressed, almost like a deep meditation.

Stress constricts energy, causing stagnation. Relaxation opens energy and allows it to flow. Reiki encourages a healthy flow of energy promoting balance and healing in the mind, body and spirit.

I suffer from anxiety, can Reiki help?

Yes, it can. After a Reiki session, people tend to feel very calm, relaxed and at ease, as if they have experienced a deep meditation. Most clients report feeling ‘lighter’, as it a weight has been lifted.

What is distance (or remote) Reiki?

Distance Reiki is equally as effective as in-person Reiki but the practitioner and client are in two different locations. 

They agree a time when the client can sit or lie down relaxed and undisturbed, perhaps at home while they sleep. 

The practitioner lets the client know when they are about to start the session and sends Reiki to the client (as they would for a face-to-face treatment). 

Feedback is shared after the session by text message or phone call.

Distance Reiki is wonderful for those who are unable to attend an in person session for any reason (due to mobility challenges or illness or because they are a caregiver for example) or who simply prefer the convenience of receiving treatment in their own home.

It is also a perfect solution for babies, children and teens as, with their caregiver's permission, Reiki can be sent to them while they are comfortably asleep in their own bed.

Is your energy depleted after giving Reiki to someone?

No, I feel wonderful after giving Reiki to someone! 

Reiki energy does not come from the practitioner but flows through them. The Reiki practitioner acts as a sort of hose, tube or conduit through which Reiki (energy) flows, so I get a treatment too!

Is Reiki covered on my health insurance?

Great news! Some private health cash plan providers cover Reiki treatments!

Please contact your private health cash plan provider to confirm whether your plan or policy allows you to claim for Reiki treatments.

More questions? Ask me!