5 ways gratitude can change your life

5 ways gratitude can change your life

Hello my friend,

How are you?

Today I want to talk about something profoundly simple yet utterly transformative: Gratitude.

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is much more than just saying "thank you."

It’s a powerful vibrational frequency that can transform your mind, body, and spirit.

When we cultivate gratitude, we align ourselves with the energy of love and abundance, creating a ripple effect that touches every part of our lives.

Sometimes people ask me at the end of a Reiki session what they can do to shift their energy and raise their vibration on their own at home.

(You won't be surprised to hear that this is one of my favourite topics and I have a lot of ideas of things that can help - in fact we cover this in great detail in my Reiki 1 course!)

The one thing I always suggest is that they start a gratitude practice.

Here's why...

1️⃣ It rewires your neural pathways:

Gratitude helps retrain your brain to focus on positivity and abundance, leading to a brighter, more optimistic outlook.

Have you heard of the RAS (Reticular Activating System)?

The RAS is a network of neurons in the brainstem that acts as a filter for the massive amount of information our brains receive every second.

It determines what gets our attention and what fades into the background, helping us focus on what’s important based on our beliefs, priorities, and past experiences.

Examples of the RAS in action:

  • If you’re thinking about buying a certain car, you suddenly start seeing that car everywhere.
  • If you believe you’re bad at something, your brain will notice every failure and ignore successes, reinforcing that belief.
  • If you focus on gratitude, your RAS helps you notice more things to be grateful for.

I like to think of it as putting on gratitude glasses (like rose-coloured glasses, but better) that help you see all the things that are already around you to feel grateful for!

2️⃣ It enhances your mental health

Practicing gratitude significantly improves your mental well-being.

Studies show that individuals who engage in gratitude exercises, such as writing letters or journaling, report better mental health and increased life satisfaction.

This practice can boost happiness and reduce symptoms of depression, with effects lasting up to six months after the initial exercise.

Isn't that amazing?!

Whenever I used to find myself in a negative spiral at work (my old work!), I'd always take some time to find something - anything - to appreciate to flip my mood and make me feel better.

Examples: someone held the door open, someone else smiled at me, they sent a kind email, I get to go home after this, they are paying me and that means I can pay my bills and feed my kids, I have noise cancelling headphones and can play relaxing sounds while I work, I'm still breathing - anything!!

3️⃣ It improves your physical health

Gratitude has tangible effects on physical health.

It's associated with lower blood pressure, improved heart health, and reduced inflammation.

People who practice gratitude tend to make healthier lifestyle choices, such as focusing on nutrition and engaging in more physical activity.

Studies show that a regular gratitude practice can improve your immune system too!

I can testify to this myself - in fact, I can count on 1 hand (actually, 2 fingers), the number of times I have been 'ill' over the past five years - and never anything more than a cold (which, by the way, is usually a sign that your body needs rest).

Reiki is a huge part of that too for me of course - since I started doing Reiki, I don't think I've been ill once!


4️⃣ It builds resilience

Gratitude fosters resilience by helping us cope with adversity.

By shifting focus to positive aspects of life, even during challenging times, gratitude can help build emotional strength and adaptability.

This increased resilience contributes to better overall mental health and life satisfaction.

When I practice gratitude, I feel calmer, more centred, more optimistic, more enthusiastic and more able to cope with whatever comes my way, because, instead of focussing on that one 'bad thing,' I'm looking at the bigger picture and I know that things are working out for me (even when they seem like they're not!).

5️⃣ It attracts more abundance into your life

By focusing on what you already have to be thankful for, you invite more of that energy into your life - whether it’s love, joy, opportunities or 'stuff.'

    The Law of Attraction states that we attract what we are.

    Basically, whatever is 'on your wavelength' in that moment is what you are attracting into your life.

    How do you know what wavelength - or frequency - you're on? 

    First, you know by how you feel, second you know by your results.

    The question then is; What do you want to attract into your life?

    If you want more of the same old sh*t ('scuse my French, but we're getting real here!), by all means, focus on that!

    Complain, commiserate with friends, gossip about the new girl, mentally insult that driver that cut you up on the road, focus on all the bad things going on in the world at the moment...all of that will keep you at a lower vibration - it may even lower it further!

    BUT, if you decide you want something more, something better, then I'm afraid you'll need to shift your focus.

    You might focus on what you already have - there is always plenty of that! - and you might go even further and focus on the feeling of appreciating something that has not yet happened as if it already has. Next level stuff right there!

    Try this today...

    Take a moment to reflect on five things you’re grateful for.

    I mean five things you are really grateful for. They can be small or big, they can be people, pets, things or events.

    Write them down and take a moment to feel that feeling of appreciation (embody it - remember, you attract what you are!). You might even shed a tear. It's all good, that just means it's working.

    Side note on that: I read an interview once about someone big in the personal development world who did not get out of bed until they had shed a tear of gratitude. They said that sometimes it took 2 hours(!) but they knew from experience that if they did not start their day with an attitude of gratitude, it would not end well.

    Wow! I don't have the luxury of staying in bed for an additional 2 hours each day (if you do, please let me know your secret!), but I totally get what they are saying and I admire their tenacity.

    The days when I practice gratitude (which is most days these days) are always, 100% percent of the time, better than the ones when I don't. Always. I have tested it many many times.

    When I start with gratitude, first of all, I'm in a better mood. I feel lighter and more playful. The serious things don't feel quite so serious and solutions are always within reach. I have better timing, I am more productive, I am more tapped into my inspiration and guidance. I bump into great people, I smile more and I laugh more. I mean, really it's a no brainer!

    What are you grateful for today?

    Get a pad and pen and write it down, if you don't have a pen, write it in the notes on your phone, create an album of things you're grateful for, you can even send me an email and let me know! I’d love to hear from you!


    Today, I am so very grateful for YOU.

    I don't take it lightly that you have taken time out to read these words, it really is an honour and a privilege to spend this time with you. 

    With love and gratitude,
    Amy 💜🤟

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