A Leap of Faith

A Leap of Faith

2024 is a Leap Year and the Leap Year got me thinking about other leaps, like leaps of faith. A leap of faith is when you do something, even though you are not sure it will be successful. You launch yourself into the unknown. It can be super scary because we don’t know for sure how it will turn out, but it can also be super exciting. And it’s a great way to grow. The things I feel are big leaps of faith for me, might be things you do every day.

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Children's Mental Health Week and How Reiki Can Help

Children's Mental Health Week and How Reiki Can Help

Monday 5th February marks the start of Children's Mental Health Week, so I thought I’d use this weeks’ blog to share how Reiki has the potential to help the younger members of our Reiki community as well as 10 ways we can support them - as shared by www.childrensmentalhealthweek.org.uk.

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What are you consuming?

What are you consuming?

what are you giving your energy and attention to every day? The media we consume plays a profound role in shaping our perspectives, beliefs, and overall well-being. From the news we watch to the content we scroll through on social media, every byte of information leaves an imprint on our minds and souls. What we consume can impact our mental, emotional, and spiritual states, plus we are exchanging our most valuable asset - our time - for it, so we need to make sure it's worthy of that.

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The Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration

THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. Have you heard of it? Since the book The Secret came out, everyone’s been going on about it, and for good reason. But did you know that the Law of Attraction is actually a secondary law? The primary law is the Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration states that everything vibrates, nothing rests. At a molecular level, everything is moving - or vibrating - at all times. How does this tie back to the Law of Attraction? Well, what we attract to us depends on the level we’re vibrating at in any given moment. You attract what you are in vibrational harmony with. Continue reading to learn more...

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