Let It Go Day

Let It Go Day

Hello my friend,

Before we start, I have a joke for you...

Q: Why should you never give Elsa a balloon?

A: Because she'll let it go of course!

Did you roll your eyes and groan or did you chuckle a bit? 

(In my defence, I didn't say it was a good joke...😉)

Hopefully I got a smile out of you anyway!

So, what is 'Let It Go Day' and did Amy make it up?

No, I didn't make it up, it's a real thing believe it or not!

It's a day dedicated to the concept of letting go, of releasing what no longer serves you, freeing yourself from burdens, and embracing a sense of liberation.

It encourages individuals to declutter their minds, hearts, and lives from anything that may be holding them back or causing unnecessary stress.

Here are five ideas you might want to try today to help you 'let it go':

1. Release Ritual:

I've done this exercise a few times at various events and I like it.

Take a piece of paper and a pen and write down anything you want to let go of.

This might include grudges, regrets, fears, or anxieties.

Then, (safely) burn the paper in a fireproof container or the sink - or shred it or tear it up - to symbolise releasing and freeing yourself from those burdens.

Now take a moment to set a positive intention for yourself moving forwards.

2. Book a Reiki Session:

Reiki, as you know, is wonderful for clearing negative energies and imbalances that we may be holding on to.

It supports us in letting go of what no longer serves - like a detox for our energetic body.

Whether you are finding that negative thoughts, anxiety, stress or regrets are bringing you down or even if you just want to relax, recharge and rejuvenate, Reiki can help.

Head over to www.threelittlebirdsofficial.com/services to check availability and book.

3. Start the day with yoga:

I start every single day with yoga. I just love it.

I always always always feel better after I've done some yoga, even if I only have time for a few poses. It's getting to the point where I just don't feel right if I haven't done it.

Yoga releases physical tension and stress, it helps you feel more grounded and relaxed, it reunites you with your breath and it sets you up for the day in a calm, positive, gentle way.

If you don't currently have the time or money to get to an in-person class, there are literally thousands of yoga videos you can do for free on YouTube.

Search up 'beginners yoga', choose a teacher you resonate with and go for it!

4. Have a journaling Session:

Journaling can be so cathartic. All you need is a pen, some paper and a little bit of time.

Grab a pen and a notebook and spend a minute or so thinking about the things you want to release. Then pick up your pen and write freely for as long as you need to. Often it takes a while to get out of your head and into the flow of writing but stick with it.

You might decide to include a story about how you will feel once you have let go of whatever it is.

Once you are satisfied that you have got it all down on paper, try writing down some positive affirmations (start with 'I am...') or some positive intentions and goals for moving forward having released whatever you wanted to let go of.

5. Engage in a Creative Activity:

Or any activity for that matter!

Pick an activity, it could be one you enjoy and have done before or maybe a new one you've never tried, and just go for it.

Whether it's arts and crafts or music and dancing or maybe cooking or baking or even roller-skating or DIY, take some time to express yourself and get lost in whatever activity you have chosen to do.

When we're fully engaged in an activity, we're usually out of our own heads, we've let go of the need to overthink, stress or analyse and instead we're present in the moment and focussed on the activity at hand.

I hope you've found these helpful.

Each of these suggestions is designed to help let go of stress and things that no longer serve us and, ultimately, to help us feel good.

That's what it's all about after all!

Have a wonderful day ðŸ’œðŸ¤Ÿ
