The Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration


Have you heard of it?

Since the book The Secret came out, everyone’s been going on about it, and for good reason. But did you know that the Law of Attraction is actually a secondary law? The primary law is the Law of Vibration.

The Law of Vibration states that everything vibrates, nothing rests. At a molecular level, everything is moving - or vibrating - at all times.

How does this tie back to the Law of Attraction? Well, what we attract to us depends on the level we’re vibrating at in any given moment. 

You attract what you are in vibrational harmony with.

The higher our level of vibration, the more wonderful the things, people and experiences we attract to us.

Emotions like love, joy and appreciation are at the top end of the emotional scale. When we're experiencing these types of emotions, we're vibrating at the highest levels and so we're attracting or pulling (like a giant magnet) all sorts of great things in our direction. 

The opposite is also true. When we're in a lower vibration, experiencing emotions like despair or sadness at the lower end of the scale, we're attracting the not-so-desirable stuff.

You know that saying ‘good vibes only’? Well, that is essentially saying, only come over here if you're in a high vibration, because we want to stay in this high vibration and attract the good stuff (and we don't want anyone or anything to bring us down or 'kill the vibe').

Have you ever had one of those days when, for whatever reason, you get out on the wrong side of bed? Didn’t sleep well, stubbed your toe on the wardrobe, laddered two pairs of tights in a row, burnt your toast, missed the train, spilled coffee down your white shirt right before a meeting... after that first thing it all seems to go downhill quickly, doesn’t it?!

Then there are days - like your birthday perhaps - when you wake up like the girl from Enchanted. You open the window to glorious sunshine, sing a duet with the little bird outside, all the small animals come and clean your home for you and fix those ladders in your tights, you dance and sing with strangers on the way to work and all is well with the world.

Ok, maybe a little exaggeration on both sides there, but my point is that you know when you feel good and things are lining up perfectly for you, and you know when you don’t and they aren’t.

You can always tell what level you’re vibrating at by how you feel in any given moment. You can also tell what that level of vibration does for you by observing what people, things and experiences you’re attracting as you go through your day.

It's actually a fun thing to try as a little experiment, especially when you're in a great mood (high vibration); you might notice that more people smile at you, the traffic lights are green, the kids empty the dishwasher with no prompting, you get a free coffee and the last seat on the train, the sun comes out as you head out for lunch...try it for a day or two and observe and take note of what comes your way.

Once I learned about this, I set out to ensure that each morning I start the day in as high a vibration as possible, because I want to attract the good stuff and I want to spend much time as possible feeling good. Why not?

To start with for me it looked like a gratitude practice, just writing down 5 things I'm grateful for, then I began doing exercise and yoga every morning, which makes me feel great, then I added meditation, then positive affirmations, then daily reading and study, then writing out my goals and eventually, Reiki.

Reiki works to raise your vibration, whatever end of the scale you’re at.

It's been really interesting for me to observe the positive impact of Reiki on my clients and it's so fascinating to hear their feedback. I especially enjoy seeing the transformation over time when clients come for multiple sessions.

One client booked in for 4 weekly sessions and said they just felt better and better each time, they could focus more easily at work and they generally felt 'lighter and happier', things just started going their way - or you could say that they were attracting better things. It was wonderful!

Another client said they kept receiving compliments from people saying that they were ‘glowing’ after receiving Reiki every few weeks. They mentioned other benefits as well, like clarity of mind, a feeling of wellbeing, peace, harmony, alignment, a sense of ease and calm.

Not only that, but when you're in a higher vibration, your body's natural ability to heal kicks in too, so Reiki not only raises your vibration and relaxes you, it is also healing. I love it!

I will leave it there this week - I've just talked myself into doing some self-Reiki 😉

If you'd like to check availability and book yourself a session, head over to my new booking page.

Much love,

Amy 💜🤟

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