Nurture the idea

Nurture the idea

Hello my friend!

How are you today?

If you're joining me in the Last 90 Days, how are they going for you?

I've been using the free journal pages I created every day so far and I'm really enjoying it! I love using them to get focussed and in a state of appreciation in the morning and to do a little recap at night. Quick, easy and effective 👌

I'm finding that the pages inspire me to do some freeform journaling afterwards and I often find that when I'm journaling - or doing Reiki or yoga (or anything really that helps me back into alignment), an idea will come to me. Sometimes its a big idea and sometimes it's a small one, but pretty much always it's one that gets me excited.

This morning I turned on the TV to find a morning yoga video (as I do most mornings). I have my favourite teachers and classes that I go back to again and again, but this morning I clicked on a new video by a new (to me) teacher. It was such a lovely session and it got me thinking about how great it is that all of these people, these thousands and thousands of yoga teachers, followed through on their idea to create a YouTube channel and put free yoga classes out there for us to enjoy whenever we want.

They must have seen that all over YouTube and on every corner of the internet there is a yoga teacher offering classes, but they didn't let that put them off or stop them, they nurtured their idea like a small seed and grew something wonderful from it. They saw the value in what they had to offer and created something amazing.

How many times have you had a fabulous idea and immediately squashed it with doubt, negativity and fear or the imagined (or real) voices of others telling you that it would never take off, or that the market is flooded, or that there are already millions of people out there doing exactly the same thing and we don't need another book/ invention/ yoga teacher/ YouTube channel/ cook book - or whatever it is that you dreamed up? I know I have, many many times!

Well, I am here to tell you that we need your ideas, we need your creations, we need you to follow your hunches and do whatever it is you are inspired to do, whatever it is you are passionate about, whatever it is you truly enjoy. Nurture your ideas, let them grow, feed them with decision, action and encouragement.

There is only one of you and there will only ever be one of you. You are unique, you are special, you are the only person on this Earth in all of history that has your exact genetic makeup, your exact experiences and your exact perspective on things. You are an integral piece of this giant puzzle and we need exactly what you have to offer. Don't deprive us of it just because you have a few doubts or fears, don't let the idea die within you without ever being expressed.

Sure, there are millions of books out there and millions of yoga teachers and millions of chefs and singers etc etc, but there is not one that can offer what you can offer in the way only you can offer it. Not one. There is plenty to go around my friend. If you have been inspired with the idea, that means there is someone out there who will appreciate it once it has been realised. probably a great many people, but how will we ever know if you don't see it through?

As Wayne Dyer said; 'Don't die with your music still in you.'

You can do it.

Amy 💜🤟

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